On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 12:42:18PM -0600, Peter Schultz scribbled:
| Just wondering if anyone has gotten make world
| to work with this combo.  It is expected that

No, and gcc-2.96 is broken enough.  In addition, we need wchar*
for gcc-3.  Even -O3 in gcc-2.95 is not supported/recommended.
You would be a brave soul to try this.

/me flees

| gcc 3.0 will become the default compiler for
| FreeBSD 5.0?

I highly doubt the feasibility of that.  Look at Redhat's blunder
with gcc-2.95.  The latest is not always the best, IMHO.

| http://peorth.iteration.net/~keichii | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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