On 04-Mar-01 The Hermit Hacker wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Mar 2001, Manfred Antar wrote:
>> You have to recompile the boot stuff also, after changing the line in
>> make.conf:
>> # The default serial console speed is 9600.  Set the speed to a larger value
>> # for better interactive response.
>> #
>> Then cd /sys/boot ; make depend all install.
>> I forget if you then need to relabel the disk or not.
>> ie :
>> disklabel -B da0
> this worked great, thanks ...disklabel wasn't required, it appears ...

It is to update boot2.  However, you don't have to do that if you don't want.
You can just boot on a normal console then break into the loader and type
'set console=comconsole' to switch over to the serial console.


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