* Bill Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010326 16:05] wrote:
> Ok. Friday I sat down and tried to make the -m option to ypbind work
> correctly using the new TI-RPC code. Unfortunately, my test machine
> chose that day to eat itself. Even more unfortunately, it was an AMD
> 900Mhz Thunderbird. Today, I started working on another box and managed
> to get things to work, but there are some problems that still need
> solving. I need some input to decide how to do this.
> The problem is with the code in yp_ping.c. This module contains a special
> version of clntudp_call() which has been modified in two ways:
> 1) If the XDR encode routine is specified as NULL, it skips the transmit
>    portion of clntudp_send() and jumps straight to receiving and decoding
>    the reply.
> 2) When processing a reply, the routine omits the check of the transaction
>    ID, so that the reply will be processed even if its XID doesn't match
>    the XID of the request that was last sent.
> This is done so that we can send a bunch of YPPROC_DOMAIN_NONACK requests
> to different servers, each with a different transaction ID, then wait to
> see who replies first. Distinguishing the servers based on the XID gets
> around the case where the server is multihomed and replies on an interface
> other than the one where it received the original RPC. This is basically
> an asynchronous RPC, where the request and response are handled separately
> rather than in the context of a single clntudp_call().
> Anyway, now that we have the TI-RPC library, the magic clntudp_a_call()
> routine needs to be changed to a clnt_dg_a_call(). Unfortunately, when I
> tried to do this, I ran into a serious problem:
> - The clnt_dg.c module has several module-wide lock variables which are
>   shared between the create/call/destroy methods. Trying to set up a
>   private call method won't work, because the lock variables are static,
>   hence not exported from the clnt_dg.o object module. As a hack I created
>   a separate clnt_dg.c module which I linked directly into a test ypbind
>   binary, but this is not what I consider a proper solution.
> Basically, I can't do things the way I did them with the older RPC code
> because of the threading/mutex locks. Even building a separate clnt_dg.o
> module with modifications was harder than it needed to be because the
> clnt_dg.c code #includes special header files within the libc source
> (src/lib/libc/include) which aren't available if you aren't building
> the world.
> The solution I'm leaning towards at the moment is adding the necessary
> hacks to src/lib/libc/rpc/clnt_dg.c in such a way that they can be enabled
> when needed with a special CLSET flag using clnt_control(). Then I can
> rip out the custom call method code from yp_ping.c entirely. I'm a little
> reluctant to do this since I was under the impression that creating a
> custom method should still work, but it looks as if this problem is
> endemic even to the original Sun TI-RPC code, not just us.
> Comments? Questions? Pie?


Why can't you just enable sigio on the reply socket, send all the
requests with a 0 timeout and then wait for a signal to either
interrupt the sending or to notify you when you complete sending?

Your solution seems awfully complex for what seems to be a simple
problem; doing a directed broadcast and taking the first answer you
get back.

Is the whole reason you need to do this because you're using the
xid to differentiate between the servers?

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