On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Sheldon Hearn wrote:

> On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:06:49 -1000, Vincent Poy wrote:
> >     Yeah, that's the weird part... I thought adding a DDB_UNATTENDED
> > as a option would atleast make it reboot or something...
> For the record, DDB_UNATTENDED is mostly pointless.  It just sets the
> default value of debug.debugger_on_panic, which you can just as well set
> in /etc/sysctl.conf.  Unless, of course, you're seeing a panic in the
> startup process.  But then do you really want an indefinite panic cycle?
> :-)

        Hehe, I guess the NOTES didn't explain that one too well... it
says recover from panic ;)

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