On (2002/11/08 18:13), Daniel Eischen wrote:

> > The problem is that you cannot have 4.x packages and 5.x packages
> > co-mingled on the same system.  that's what I'm trying to fix.  You'd
> > have to rebuild the 4.x packages before they are fixed.
> I don't think this is a show-stopper.  Just recompile all your
> ports or use the pre-built 5.0 packages.

If we keep thinking only in terms of software for which source is
available, we'll soon find ourselves completely estranged from
commercial ventures and we can kiss any hope of serious vendor support
for FreeBSD good-bye.

If the final word on this whole issue is "You can't run binaries
compiled for 4.x-RELEASE on 5.x-RELEASE" then we should start puckering

Developers tend to remember these things and you don't have to screw
them too many times before they remove FreeBSD downloads from their web
sites and replace them with a brief message explaining that "We don't
have time to cope with FreeBSD's disregard for backward compatibility."

At that point, whining about how they shouldn't have been fiddling with
these symbols in the first place is bound to be a fruitless exercise.


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