What does it do for all the other code in -ports, and in the
comp.source.* archives, and that anyone else has ever written,
such that you know it doesn't cause more problems than it
I don't think that the system cc is supposed to compile all code ever written. IMHO It should compile the system (and the port versions of gcc) - not more not less.

Supposedly, bringing in 3.2 was going to solve more problems
than it caused.  It turns out the 4.x compiler, GCC 2.95.3,
also does not have an ICE as a result of compiling that code.
The problem with the ports is mostly badly written C++ code. Since most (all?) Linux distributions are using gcc 3.2.x by now I'm quite sure it will be fixed over the time..

When you are updating tools, it's actually about risk/reward;
the risk of not supporting IA64, and the risk of the object
file compatability has (supposedly) be addressed.
The question is, how big is the Step from a Nov. pre-release to the release version of gcc 3.2.1.

The only other reasonable path would be to tie FreeBSD releases
to GCC releases, plus some period of time for burn-in, and that
really isn't reasonable: 3.3 was supposed to be out already;
should FreeBSD's release schedule slip every time GGC's slips?
IMHO it would be a big mistake to tie FreeBSD releases to GCC releases. And going for the latest and greatest isn't an option, too. This time it could just "fit".

I'm wondering if I should mention the new binutils.. :)


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