On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 12:14:39AM -0000, Duncan Barclay wrote:
> From: "David O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I'll seriously argue against the 2nd point above.  I don't know of a
> > SINGLE person that uses /bin/sh as their interactive shell when
> > multi-user.  Not ONE.  Every Bourne shell'ish user I've ever met uses
> > Bash, AT&T ksh, pdksh, zsh.
> I don't know anyone that farms lama's, so there cannot be any lama farmers.

One has to make a strong statement to get the people to come out of the

> computer$ grep dmlb /etc/passwd
> dmlb:*:1166:1166:Duncan Barclay:/home/dmlb:/bin/sh

Good.  Now do you need NSS support?  Do the benefits of supporting NSS in
/bin/sh for you out-weigh the performance issue of building it
dynamically?  Couldn't you just as easily use the pdksh port?

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