On Sun, Nov 23, 2003 at 06:00:36PM -0800, Tim Kientzle wrote:
> Scenarios that require /rescue are ones in which /bin and /sbin
> are unusable, which is almost always going to imply a trashed file
> in /bin, /sbin, or /lib.  Thus, most /rescue scenarios are going to
> involve locating a good copy of a trashed file to replace a damaged
> local copy.

NO.  /rescue was allowed in the system to handle the case of a trashed
file in /lib[exec].  To allow a sysadmin to recover a system from the
same type of mishaps they could before we went to a dynamic /.  Not to
continue to add to /rescue until the sysadmin could recover from every
conceivable way of trashing a system.

/rescue was not to become the all-in-compassing Swiss Army recover tool.
We provide the Live-FS CD (disc 2) for that.

> I can only think of a few places where that "good copy"
> can come from:
>  * CDROM: requires a CD-ROM drive, and a suitable CD.
>  * floppy: requires a floppy drive
>  * NFS: requires a local network and an NFS server
>  * An HTTP or FTP server: requires a network connection and 'fetch.'
> I don't think we can safely assume that everyone has access to
> one of the first three options here.

We have made the assumption for the first three options since day one.
Why should we change the assumptions just because we now have a dynamic
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