On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:41 AM, Jung-uk Kim <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 2013-12-16 14:57:55 -0500, Bernhard Fröhlich wrote:
>> Yes I am aware of that and if you look at the commit history you
>> will see that I have tried to fix that issue with the last commit.
>> It has fixed the issue for a couple of vbox binaries (VBoxSVC,
>> VBoxManage) but some are still broken. (VBoxHeadless, VirtualBox)
>> The conflicts entry for compat9x was there already and I will need
>> to add it again as it seems.
> BTW, I have a real fix for the problem, i.e., build with Clang (well,
> as much as possible).  In fact, only couple of files (under
> src/recompiler) are absolutely needed to be compiled with GCC in
> 4.3.x.  Therefore, there is no need for libstdc++.so dependency at all.
> Here are my experimental ports (based on official vbox@ ports, i.e.,
> https://redports.org/browser/virtualbox/emulators)
> http://redports.org/browser/jkim/emulators

Probably I don't understand what you want to archive but I don't think
patching virtualbox to compile 95% of it with clang and still having to
compile the remaining 5% with gcc is of any benefit. We need to carry
all the clang patches in our port which makes it a big beast and have
likely no chance to get those workarounds included upstream because
they won't accept patches for a compiler that can't fully build vbox.

The issue that this thread talks about can be fixed in a much simpler
way. In fact the VBoxHeadless and VirtualBox binaries do not have a
RPATH at all - so all we need to do is fix the vbox buildsystem to add
the RPATH to those binaries too like they already do for VBoxSVC and

Bernhard Froehlich
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