"Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> > I had the idea from Debian Linux's atp-get utility, which my friend
> > praised a lot. The source tarball can be fetched from the following URL:
> > http://www.saunalahti.fi/~jsalomaa/pkg_get.tar.gz
> This is quite interesting and I'm looking at it now.  Just one quick
> question though - why did you "roll your own" ftp I/O handling instead
> of simply using fetch(3) or ftpio(3)?

Alas, it also seems to have a "default" ftp site. I don't think
that's a good idea (remember CHANGE_THIS.freebsd.org :). An
environment variable would do just as well, except... this is the
kind of tool like to be used by clueless users, which are the ones
most likely to really want a default site.

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        "Thus, over the years my wife and I have physically diverged. While
I have zoomed toward a crusty middle-age, she has instead clung
doggedly to the sweet bloom of youth. Naturally I think this unfair.
Yet, if it was the other way around, I confess I wouldn't be happy

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