> > Is it possible to change the mac address of an ethernet card using 
> > ifconfig?
> Not in any 'standard' card, no.  Some cards (in SUN workstations) allow
> you to swap the EEPROM with the mac address, and I'll bet somewhere
> someone has designed a card with a programmable mac address, but
> normally it's not settable.

while ifconfig might miss this functionality, i believe your answer
is incorrect. Several FreeBSD drivers read the MAC address from
the rom/eeprom, copy it to sc->arpcom.ac_enaddr, and write it back
to the card's address filter in the init phase. I suppose on other
systems the same thing happens. It's a software thing, not a hardware

A quick check shows the following drivers do that:

        sys/pci/if_de.c (probably)

just to name the most common ones.


  Luigi RIZZO, lu...@iet.unipi.it  . Dip. di Ing. dell'Informazione
  http://www.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/  . Universita` di Pisa
  TEL/FAX: +39-050-568.533/522     . via Diotisalvi 2, 56126 PISA (Italy)

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