----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Hellenthal" <jh...@dataix.net>

This goes along with the thoughts I had about 4 months ago tending to some
zfs statistics as well top showing greater than 100% actual CPU usage. This
is a big pet peave of mine. Its like saying you ate 134% of a bannanna when
in all reallity it is impossible. You can never have more than 100% usage of
anything and when seen is a clear notice that some math is considerably
incorrect leading to other such miscalculations to be performed. Things like
the above already have checks in place that ensure no boundries are being
crossed/overflowed or underrun but it surely makes processing results building
future products a bitch. One instance is the calculation of threads for example
firefox can be seen using upto or more 338% of the CPU. Thats impossible its
like saying anyones CPU grew by 400%.

I could understand a bit of overflow as stats are snapshots which may not
be instuntanious, but 31GB instead of under 8GB is hardly a rounding issue /

With respect to top showing greater than 100% by how much are you talking?
Do your realise that each core = 100%? So if you have a quad core your system
total will be 400% not 100%?


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