On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 11:40:48AM -0700, John Kozubik wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Jun 2012, Jason Hellenthal wrote:
> >>>I am looking at the upcoming release schedule, and I only see 9.1
> >>>listed - can anyone confirm or deny 8.4 ?
> >>
> >>Although I am not on re@, AFAIK the only schedule that is on the table
> >>is the one for 9.1.
> >>
> >
> >Release 8.3 (April 2012) has it really been 6 months yet!
> We (rsync.net) are deploying our new ZFS based platform on FreeBSD.  This 
> is a platform that needs to be live in just a few weeks.[1]
> We only run release software.  Further, I don't think anyone will fault us 
> for steering clear of 9.0-RELEASE.  9.1 is probably four months away.
> So our choices are 8, which has no roadmap, and 9 which doesn't exist.

Well, 8.3 is working fine for me.  It is being well maintained.

You sound like the people who can't decide to get something because a
new version is going to come out sometime before they die.


> On the one hand, we've made this choice before, when we invested hundreds 
> of thousands of dollars into equipment, code, training, etc. for 6.4. 
> We've successfully amortized this investment over the past 4-5 years, but 
> not without a lot of pain.  The past 24 months has been a lot of custom 
> work, backporting drivers, etc.  We don't want to repeat this.
> On the other hand, we're not going to debut a new platform, to customers 
> all over the world, on 9.0.
> So ... how about a kickstarter, since that's all the rage ?  What would a 
> reasonable total be, donated to the FreeBSD foundation, that would ensure 
> the maintenance of the 8.x branch for another 3 years (say, Dec 31, 2015) 
> and out to (to pick an arbitrary number) 8.10 ?
> Just a thought ...
> [1] After years of evaluation and testing, spanning 6.x - 8.x.
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