On 13 June 2012 05:53, John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:

>> You don't need to change the FreeBSD culture. We'd love to do an 8.4
>> release. And an 8.5 release, and 8.6 release, etc. The problem is one
>> of resources and time, not of culture/desire.
> I disagree.  The pace of X.0 releases is a deliberate choice FreeBSD
> has made and directly impacts the number of "live" branches in existence.
> Given our developer base, we can't really support 3 branches concurrently
> (head + 2 stable like we have now with head, 9, and 8).  Having longer lived
> stable branches requires either increasing resources to support exising
> releases longer, or slowing the pace of X.0 releases (but more aggressively
> merging things from HEAD back).  The latter case, especially, is part of
> the culture and would be a choice we as a Project would have to make.

Right, but I don't think the freebsd project would really mind or
change much if more people came on board to handle legacy releases and
support them.

If you're a company that uses FreeBSD stable releases, please consider
contributing engineering resources and/or donations to the Foundation
to improve the support of said stable releases. :)

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