> The important item that has been left out (or is just implied as OS level
> defaults) is sysctl/tunable variables set in the *BSD OSes (on DFly,
> FreeBSD, and NetBSD). Unfortunately (based on my experience) FreeBSD could
> be a lot better when it comes to defaults, and more tuning is required to
> get better performance. So if they're working with the OS defaults, this
> might not be a fair equivalent to the best performance that FreeBSD can
> yield, but it's probably fair to do this for the sake of repeatability and
> to prove what these OSes can do out of the box. This is in addition to the
> [lock] contention issues that jeffr@ and a few others are working on
> alleviating.

has someone wrote a howto for how to tune pgsql 9+ in FreeBSD?
im mostly asking here to get information posted here for future
reference, as google will pick this thread up and it will help others.

Sam Fourman Jr.
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