On Nov 6, 2012, at 1:26 AM, Wojciech Puchar <woj...@wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl> 

>> defaults) is sysctl/tunable variables set in the *BSD OSes (on DFly,
>> FreeBSD, and NetBSD). Unfortunately (based on my experience) FreeBSD could
>> be a lot better when it comes to defaults, and more tuning is required to
> actually FreeBSD defaults are actually good for COMMON usage. and can be 
> tuned.
> default MAXBSIZE is one exception.

"Common usage" is vague. While FreeBSD might do ok for some applications (dev 
box, simple workstation/laptop, etc), there are other areas that require 
additional tuning to get better perf that arguably shouldn't as much (or there 
should be templates for doing so): 10GbE and mbuf and network tuning; file 
server and file descriptor, network tuning, etc; low latency desktop and 
scheduler tweaking; etc.

Not to say that freebsd is entirely at fault, but because it's more of a 
commodity OS that Linux, more tweaking is required...

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