On 27 Dec 2000, at 11:25, Jack Rusher wrote:

> > At present the files are created through procmail like this:
> > 
> > |/usr/bin/perl $HOME/process_cvs_mail.pl > ~/msgs/$FILE
> ...this fragment tells me that you are in control of the process of
> creating these files.  

That is correct.

> This makes the whole problem much easier to solve
> and side steps the issue of watching the directory altogether.
>   In addition to the suggestions above, you could also:
>   You could set up the message processing daemon to listen on a named pipe
> and send the messages there from the process_cvs_mail script.
>   You could handle queue entry with the process_cvs_mail script and
> queue exit with your daemon; signal the daemon from the script when 
> new work appears in the queue.  This would mirror a threaded work queue
> approach that blocks on a a conditional variable until work comes into the
> queue.

Will this approach tie up the procmail script?  I want the MTA to be 
freed up ASAP.  That's one of the primary reason for wanting separate 
processes. From time to time, the website can be "flooded" with 
messages.  This is usually the result of the website being offline or 
otherwise disconnected from the net.  The mail builds up and then 
arrives all at once.  That's the reason for freeing up the MTA quickly.

Dan Langille
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