>I saw BSDIs retail product of FreeBSD in a local bookstore the other day, 
>and it became sadly clear why LINUX, although highly inferior, is so much 
>more widely used. 

Linux was much more widely used because the Jolitzes felt their i86 unix
port was a "research system" which didn't need to run on arbitrary hardware
or do what people wanted while Linus was initially working on a Minix clone
that would run on his hardware and maintained that "practical" attitude 
throughout the project.  

Linux also provided substantially better interactive performance under load,
which was the normal operating state for starving students.  Who in turn
wrote drivers.

Finally, Linux was not endangered by the AT&T lawsuit.

Combine these factors, and Linux was more rapidly accepted by starving 
hackers, enough of whom contributed drivers for their hardware rather
than buying something which would work.

The larger hacker community rubbed off on more hobbiests than
the smaller in BSD.  More hobbiests could actually run linux on
their systems because of both hardware support and Wintel coexistance
(things like non-destructive repartitioning, the unix semantics on 
msdos file systems, etc. really helped).  

IOW, Linux was useful to more people sooner.  Even if BSD can match 
Linux's growth rate, that head start means BSD won't catch up in numbers.

Of course, this is irrelevant.  I run BSD on my black (actually,
they're purple) boxes and servers.  I can get jobs doing BSD 
professionally.  If people want to use Linux where BSD works better,
that's their perogative as long as I don't have to hold their hand
or clean up after them.

>What they dont seem to realize is that people who know its worth more than 
>linux also know they dont have to pay $129. for free software with fancy 
>packaging and paid support.

Joe Average (where the numbers come from and perhaps venture capital) is 
going to go with Linux because of name recognition, it works well enough
(which is even better than BSD) for his purposes (Installing some Linux
binaries on BSD requires finding the corresponding Linux libraries, which
is easier said than done.  Installing them on Linux just works.  Linux also
has more complete driver support.  It can coexist easier with Wintel.).

Personally, I'm now running BSD exclusively because it was more flood 
resistant than Linux (my Linux mail server & DNS machine did not survive
the catastrophic water heater failure, while the robust BSD box was more
water tight).

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