Then again you could also download an iso of 4.3 for free, go to BSD Mall and
get a 4 CD set for 39.95 etc. The thing you pay for when you are buying these
box sets is usually the manual, some also include a certain amount of telephone
support etc. So while one may be 29.95 and the other another 100 dollars more
you may not get a book / as good a book with the 29.95 version. Also you may or
may not get phone support etc with the one you pay 100 for, I know many
companies that would pay 129.95 for an OS that you get a book, support n cd's
for, hell I know companies that buy Windows 98 / 2000 :P



On Thu, 26 Apr 2001 21:47:52 -0700, Julian Elischer said:

:: Dennis wrote:
::  > 
::  > At 08:12 PM 04/26/2001, David O'Brien wrote:
::  > >On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 07:03:47PM -0400, Dennis wrote:
::  > > > I saw BSDIs retail product of FreeBSD in a local bookstore the other day,
::  > > > and it became sadly clear why LINUX, although highly inferior, is so much
::  > > > more widely used. Right next to Freebsd (priced at $129.95) was Mandrake
::  > > > LINUX for $29.95.
::  > >
::  > >I should use your quote from this morning... but I won't.
::  > >You don't understand channel marketing.  And I'll just leave it at that.
::  > 
::  > Actually I do. Channel marketing requires a marketing base, which they dont
::  > have. You have to establish a base before you can gouge.
::  > 
::  > I know that 0 X 129. < anything X 29.
::  Denis is certainly right about this..

Mark Sergeant
Unix Systems Administrator

Fortune follows...

Don't believe everything you hear or anything you say.

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