At 8:19 PM -0800 12/12/01, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
>> To be clear, what exactly are you doing?
>> It sounds like you're exporting something from freebsd, mounting it on OSX
>> and running this tool on OSX against the filesystem exported from freebsd ?
>> If so, What mount options?  NFSv2 or v3?
>That is correct.  As to the NFS options used, I honestly couldn't say
>since I'm getting at the filesystem through Netinfo and that's handled
>by OS X's automount daemon, that having no relation whatsoever to AMD
>and hence no amd.conf file or anything else I can easily look at to
>determine how it's being mounted.  Maybe Mike knows more about how to
>find this out - he's not in management. :)

In the absence of mount-options the OS X automount tries v3 first, followed
by v2 if v3 appears not supported by the server.

Conrad Minshall, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 408 974-2749
Apple Computer, Mac OS X Core Operating Systems

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