Am Mittwoch, 27. März 2002 21:18 schrieben Sie:
> Julian Elischer([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2002.03.27 11:43:50 +0000:
> [ dumbass workaround deleted...]
> > He said he was running native..
> >
> > the cpu type is in
> > `sysctl hw`
> > The code shuold be altered on FreeBSD to look there.
> oops, you're prefectly right. i skipped the "(native)" when reading the
> original mail. anyway, wine needs to be patched then, since hw.machine
> gives the platform which is "i386" in case of x86, correct? btw, is this
> intended behaviour? i thought hw.machine_arch would be for that purpose.
> hw.machine_arch is set up in kern/kern_mib.c to "i386" on pc hardware
> hw.machine is set up in i386/i386/identcpu.c to "i386" anytime (on
> 4.3-stable, my currently active stable source i have immediate access
> to) wouldn't it make sense to set the SYSCTL_STRING on hw.machine to a
> gcc compatible (-mcpu or -march) value? this would make us happier in
> the future when gcc does not generate broken code in several scenarios
> anymore. does this make sense?
> /k

Afaik 'hw.machine' is system architecture (i386=IA32). But in 'sysctl hw' is 
no _cpu_type_  like in linux-proc/cpuinfo. I'll have a look at the 
linuxulator source... ;-)


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