On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Josh Brooks wrote:

<stuff about inserting a machine snipped>
> You know, I keep hearing this ... the machine is a 500 mhz p3 celeron with
> 256 megs ram ... and normally `top` says it is at about 80% idle, and
> everything is wonderful - but when someone shoves 12,000-15,000 packets
> per second down its throat, it chokes _hard_.  You think that optimizing
> my ruleset will change that ?  Or does 15K p/s choke any freebsd+ipfw
> firewall with 1-200 rules running on it ?

You and I read the snipped statement differently -- I _thought_ he was
saying that you should have two chained firewalls

isp-fw1-fw2-<internal net>

Have fw1 only do 'deny' things on attacks (with a default allow) and have
fw2 do only 'allow' for valid traffic with a 'default deny' for everything
else.  The class of machine you are talking about can be purchased used
for under $100 right now so it wouldn't be that much of an investment
money-wise...  In fact, fw1 could be a transparent bridge that just
dropped dos stuff...

Perhaps I'm wrong in my reading, but this might work anyway...  Also note
that much beefier iron can be purchased for under $500 if you are willing
to do a bit of digging and assembly.  You might also look at the network
cards you have and replace them with different ones.  Some driver/card
combos are much more efficient than others.  I dont know what you have,
and I dont know which ones you should consider getting.  I use intel (fxp)
cards a lot and like them.

Can anyone else recommend a NIC that is efficient, at least when used by
FreeBSD's drivers?


Fred Clift - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Remember: If brute
force doesn't work, you're just not using enough.

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