> The principal problem with libh is too many chiefs and not enough
> indians.  Poor Alex and Max have done a HUGE amount of work on the
> system but it's large enough in scope that 2 people cannot hope to do it
> all by themselves, particularly when there's no relief shift to take
> things over when they get tired occasionally.  From an architectural
> perspective, there's nothing which would stop libh from fulfilling all
> the dreams I've seen laid out here (and a number people haven't even
> mentioned yet, like scriptable installs or alternate look-and-feels).
> The principle thing standing in the way of this and every other "let's
> get rid of sysinstall" effort, for that matter, is a lack of engineers.
> This one's a bit like government.  Everyone has an opinion about how it
> should work or what it could be doing better, but very few people want
> to actually get involved in changing it. :-)
What needs done right now? I havn't seen much on libh recently... where is
the source at? How can I get a look at it, and a list of what needs done
so I can help. Just today at work, a friend of mine asked me how to
install FreeBSD. He had tried it and had no luck whatsoever, so I had to
walk him through it step-by-step. This would go a long way towards making
an install process that could, for example, give the user the option of a
"newbie install" which would be all graphical and pretty with X and
what-not, and a "experienced install" which would bascially be the same
installer we have now, only written on top of libh. Anyway, I'm interested
in helping, I have 2 or 3 nights a week where I could write some code
after work.

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