On Tuesday 06 January 2004 09:05 am, Munden, Randall J wrote:
> Honestly, I picked up the troll thread because I'm curious as to
> why someone would commit so much time in effort to trolling
> these lists.  In my experience it's a good idea to explore the
> reasoning behind that type of dedication (faulty or not) for no
> other reason that discovery.  On-the-other-hand some people
> accuse me of being obsessive about information.  /me shrugs

People who hate rarely require rational reasons for hating.  Attempting to 
apply logic to that which is not logical is not likely to produce useful 

> Which leads me to query, given limited time an resources, what can
> I do?  I've moved many a production server to fBSD over the
> last 10 or so years -- some of them literally -- by blathering
> nonstop about the virtues of the OS.  So what else is there?  Do I
> need to start writing documentation or publishing and pimping more
> Howtos on the intarweb?  Should I brush up on my C and start patching?

Yes, to all of the above.  Pick the one(s) you enjoy most, or that you 
wish to learn most, and dig in.  Best of all would be to write or fix 
some code, or write some articles that get printed on dead trees -- what 
Brett likes to call 'the mainstream press.'  You know, those things the 
IT management leaves on the floor of the mens room.

> Frankly, I'd never given thought to providing more effort.  The OS
> has always done it's own advocacy in my experience.

Advocacy is important only if you want to conquer the world.  Brett 
apparently does; many of us just want an operating system that meets our 
needs, and don't particularly care what somebody else uses.  IMO, casual 
'desktop' or 'laptop' computer users are probably better served by Mac OS 
X than anything I want to turn FreeBSD into, which is why my 68 year old 
father is a Mac owner.


        Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?

Wes Peters                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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