I wrote:

Mark has mailed me off-list. His tone isn't great. I probably deserve the "Fuck off. Go away." I'l deal with that seperately. :-)

A few things to say about this:

1. I was not quoting Mark verbatim here. He didn't tell me to go away in the same paragraph. :-)
2. It was a private e-mail, and it's tone/content should have stayed as such, and so I was wrong to allow leakage.
3. The specific context of my mail to which he was replying, that caused him to get upset with me was where I stated in public:

"In short, you can put all the effort you want in, but -core and many with a commit bit will resent you for it, because you're just a user."

4. In private I've already apologised for that particualr comment as I realise now it was very "Daily Mail" of me to make it (for those of you without access to the Daily Mail, congratualations), and it's only fair as it spilled out onto the public lists, that I apologise here too. Mark also apologised for swearing at me.

Oh, and I should also add, in an attempt at public humiliation to make sure I behave better in future that in the e-mail where I replied to Mark privately, I finished with the following:

"It wasn't meant to be taken as being personally offensive, but I am pissed off that people just said "Oh the start of this thread was just a troll, ignore it" when there were issues that did need to be raised and aired and discussed that the original post touched on (badly).

Now I'm just pissed off that never happened in a constructive manner, and I'm part to blame."

I think that is a fair summation, and perhaps a good point to let that particular branch of the thread die.

And for those of you who normally shout "Submit a patch" - well, I'm thinking about it. :-)

Paul Robinson

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