On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 12:31 AM, Russell Haley <russ.ha...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 9:50 PM, Russell Haley <russ.ha...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hey Guys,
> >
> > Merry Christmas! Hope this finds you all well. While free time for me
> > has been at a premium, I have managed to finally get my hands on a
> > laptop and cram 16 Gb of ram and a nice big SSD in it. That means I
> > now have room for lots of VMs. I have a GhostBSD image (FreeBSD 11.1)
> > and will bring up a TrueOS which is a revision of CURRENT. Yay for
> > Virtual Box!
> >
> > Mono 5.2
> >
> > I've created a svn ports repo to mess with and tried out the Mono 5.2
> > patch from David. While I ultimately succeeded,  the D12440.diff patch
> > had one error. The chunk was in a RUN_DEPENDS (inconsiquential to the
> > build) but I patched it manually and ran it. I then found blank patch
> > files for patch-mono_metadata_socket-io.c,
> > patch-mono_utils_mono-compiler.h and patch-mono_utils_w32handle.c
> > (there may have been more, I wasn't careful enough when I was deleting
> > them).
> >
> > After some difficulty with the tarball downloads timing out, the build
> > completed successfully! I'll be checking MonoDevelop as well shortly.
> > I'm hoping David can chime in and we can finish this off?
> So I've had some more time to play with this and the shear breadth of
> Davids work is staggering. I've suggested in the review that it be
> broken up into pieces so that it can be digested. Some of this work is
> important to the DotNet core work; David has a port for msbuild and
> Rosyln that are really exciting.
> If David is able to chop the reviews up, is there anyone available to help
> test?
> Russ

I am willing to help test. Just may need some guidance on where to start
and what is needed.


> > DotNet Core 2
> >
> > Tomas from MS has been building out the Core Framework (corefx) and
> > has an "Frankensteins Monster" SDK ready for testing. I have been
> > working on getting the Common Language Runtime (coreclr) test suite to
> > build to validate the system. The working instructions are being
> > generated as we go. I've been building the managed parts on Windows,
> > while Tomas has been using GNU/Linux for a build platform. I'm hoping
> > my work will start to coalesce with Tomas' soon and we can see some
> > progress.
> >
> > Tomas, can you add anything?
> >
> > Anyway, hope springs eternal in the new year.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Russ
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