On Thursday, 15 January 2009 at 17:35:40 -0500, Greg Larkin wrote:
> Hello all of you MythTV supporters with the collective patience of the
> universe!
> I recently committed mythtv-frontend (PR 127856) and mythtv-themes (PR
> 127857), and please let me know if you see any problems with the updates.

OK, I've built mythtv-frontend.  On a machine with no prior
installation, it finds the machine running a MythTV 0.21 back end (how?).
I needed to extract the password to the MySQL database
from the back end, but then it seems to work.

On another machine, where I have a MySQL server with an old version of
the mythconverg database, I can't start it: it connects to the
database, finds that it's the wrong version, and stops again.  I
suspect that I could fix that with mythtv-setup, but the port doesn't
install it.  Would it be difficult to get it to do so?

Also, every time I stop the front end, it SIGSEGVs.  I haven't
investigated why.

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