On Thursday, 22 January 2009 at 20:41:01 -0500, Greg Larkin wrote:
> Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> On another machine, where I have a MySQL server with an old version of
>> the mythconverg database, I can't start it: it connects to the
>> database, finds that it's the wrong version, and stops again.  I
>> suspect that I could fix that with mythtv-setup, but the port doesn't
>> install it.  Would it be difficult to get it to do so?
> I specifically removed mythtv-setup from the new mythtv-frontend port
> because I read somewhere (perhaps on the Gentoo site?) that it's not
> needed for a frontend-only installation.

It seems that you can get by without it, and agreed, a lot has to do
with the backend.

> If that's not the case, let me know, and I'll add it back in.  There
> are lots of folks out there that are using MythTV in a real
> configuration, and I'm not there yet.  I have a mini-PC here to set
> up with a tuner card, etc., but I haven't gotten to it yet.

I don't feel expert in the matter either, so maybe we should wait
until there are more convincing reasons.

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