On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 02:29:08PM -0800, Simon Shapiro wrote:
> Hey,
> I just updated ports on a few machines and the CLI version of php  
> dumps its core rather than end nicely. The mhash module appears to be  
> the trigger (an extensions.ini with only mhash causes failure, all  
> others minus mhash: no failure).

php coredumps here too, but uncommenting mhash.so from extensions.ini
doesn't change this. Diabling all modules will show no segfault.

It seems there is more than one defect .so from the following list: 

perl.so radius.so fileinfo.so gettext.so pdf.so hash.so json.so
sockets.so iconv.so mbstring.so bz2.so pcre.so posix.so ctype.so zlib.so
calendar.so bcmath.so imap.so ldap.so ftp.so zip.so openssl.so
session.so dba.so soap.so xml.so wddx.so xmlwriter.so simplexml.so
readline.so mhash.so tokenizer.so curl.so filter.so exif.so mcrypt.so
spl.so sqlite.so xmlrpc.so mysql.so mysqli.so gmp.so dom.so xmlreader.so
pdo.so pcntl.so pdo_mysql.so gd.so xsl.so pdo_sqlite.so

Any idea?


Raphael Becker <r...@uugrn.org>                   http://rabe.uugrn.org/
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