On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 07:40:17PM -0700, Janky Jay, III wrote:
>       I take this back. Removing "extension=mhash.so" from my
> /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini file does, in fact, exit without a
> core dump. However, mhash is required by SquirrelMail along with some of
> its plugins. I'm unsure how this will effect SquirrelMail, but
> regardless of where I place the mhash.so extension in the list, it still
> core dumps (I've tried every possible position.)

Same here with mhash  

> Regards,
> Janky Jay, III


Raphael Becker <r...@uugrn.org>                   http://rabe.uugrn.org/
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