On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Tim A <cx...@live.com> wrote:
> 1) I don't understand why the Textproc/Dixit port is so badly managed. The 
> program itself is at version 10.4, while your unprofessional port still stays 
> at version 1.0.1, claiming that the GCC 4.2 compilation is broken.
> 2) I don't understand either why you don't use Dixit sourceforge RSS feeds to 
> know when a new version is available.
> 3) I don't understand how your Dixit port points to files which don't exist 
> anymore.
> 4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers in charge, 
> who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose to maintain. They are 
> only interested in the statistics generated by their unprofessional ports, 
> but not in their quality.


Here's a start. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to fix the rest
of the bits; I at least got you past the fun sites change in the
extract part, but the path for ${_DB_D} with what's setup in the
Makefile differs from reality (the current path is:
${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit_qdb/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 , not
${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit/10.4/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 ); you
probably don't want to pull the potentially out-of-sync zip file from
ftp*.freebsd.org , especially because we can decompress a tarball
natively without installing archivers/unzip .

I've trimmed out a lot of the fud, but you'll probably have to do some
hacking to get the project to work with QT3 or QT4 (hopefully the

The porter's handbook [1] is your guide as well as make(1) [2].

After that, run `make makesum all install ' . Submit a PR with the
diffs for all of the files if it works to your liking.

Good luck,

[1] http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/

Attachment: textproc-dixit.diff
Description: Binary data

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