On 03-05-2010 21:00, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Tim A <cx...@live.com> wrote:
>> 1) I don't understand why the Textproc/Dixit port is so badly managed. The 
>> program itself is at version 10.4, while your unprofessional port still 
>> stays at version 1.0.1, claiming that the GCC 4.2 compilation is broken.
>> 2) I don't understand either why you don't use Dixit sourceforge RSS feeds 
>> to know when a new version is available.
>> 3) I don't understand how your Dixit port points to files which don't exist 
>> anymore.
>> 4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers in charge, 
>> who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose to maintain. They 
>> are only interested in the statistics generated by their unprofessional 
>> ports, but not in their quality.
> Tim,
> Here's a start. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to fix the rest
> of the bits; I at least got you past the fun sites change in the
> extract part, but the path for ${_DB_D} with what's setup in the
> Makefile differs from reality (the current path is:
> ${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit_qdb/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 , not
> ${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/project/dixit/dixit/10.4/dixit.qdb.tar.bz2 ); you
> probably don't want to pull the potentially out-of-sync zip file from
> ftp*.freebsd.org , especially because we can decompress a tarball
> natively without installing archivers/unzip .
> I've trimmed out a lot of the fud, but you'll probably have to do some
> hacking to get the project to work with QT3 or QT4 (hopefully the
> latter).
> The porter's handbook [1] is your guide as well as make(1) [2].
> After that, run `make makesum all install ' . Submit a PR with the
> diffs for all of the files if it works to your liking.
Before running 'make install', run 'port test' to see if the port is
nicely formatted and that the package contents is correct, meaning it
doesn't leave files behind on uninstall or tries to uninstall files
which don't exist.


> Good luck,
> -Garrett
> [1] http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/
> [2] 
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=make&apropos=0&sektion=0&format=html
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