On 08/19/2010 21:26, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Ivan Voras <ivo...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> > On 19/08/2010, jhell <jh...@dataix.net> wrote:
>>> >>       Adding to this I would like to see a central database created for
>>> >> packages that have been removed like in Slackware Linux. They keep a
>>> >> file in /var/log/preserved_packages with a flat text format with the
>>> >> file name looking like:
>>> >>
> Please no. We need another ad hoc text format like we need holes in our head.

You may have misunderstood or maybe not the intention behind that file.

        This is just simply a log file of the transactions that were performed
upon package deletion and nothing more but just a way for the user to
look back and say "HEY! how did that get there!." or "where in the
``jhell'' did that file come from!" that they can simply grep the
package removal logs to find out.

  -- Shameless plug with my email name put in for humor.

        It is also really handy if you remove some packages that somehow the
depends had been messed up and later on your having a problem with a
missing lib, easy enough to grep the removal logs to find out what
package held that file. Especially useful if you only use binary packages.

        There is a lot of information that can be logged, especially with '-v',
I personally do not think we or anyone for that matter should pass up
that opportunity to make sure the information is collected rather than
leaving it up to the user to redirect or script(1) the output every time
which they would still or should be able to do.

        Another approach that I have not seen talked about here is a proposed
directory layout. I think before 'unless I missed it' that someone jumps
into this, some standards & goals should be made and made quite loudly
as to attract as much public opinion and suggestions as possible for
what works, what does not & what people would like to see.

        Something of this magnitude like changing packaging databases and
directory structures and all that involved needs a central place and a
clear, clean plan to be developed properly. I personally do not see this
list anymore as a proper place to discuss it. packaging@ list request ?
so this can all be centralized.


PS: I have been toying with the idea of the directory layout just for
spurring thoughts of others. http://bit.ly/aNLhNU but until there is a
central place for these things it does not mean much.


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