
On 03 June 2012 PM 5:33:16 Janketh Jay wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Erich,
>       FreeBSD is in no way intended to be used by computer newcomers. If
> they're comfortable with Windows, then they should use it. If someone
> wants to try using FreeBSD and runs into issues, that is what the
> forums, mailing lists, FreeBSD Handbook, and many other resources are for.
a person who operated Windows for some years does not see him/herself as a 
newcomer but still fails on FreeBSD. The word goes around then that FreeBSD is 

>       That being said, there is no reason for FreeBSD to be more
> user-friendly when it comes to installing older ports. That just
> sounds ridiculous in itself. If someone wants to use an older port,
> they can download it manually or using something like "portdowngrade".
> Of course, this becomes a serious security risk (depending on the
> port) but FreeBSD will still "allow" anyone to do this. If this simply
> isn't good enough, then perhaps the user should think about trying to
> use a different OS.
You are really working hard to keep the FreeBSD installations low. It does not 
help FreeBSD if it is believed to be an elite operating system.

Linux is by no way less complex and still many more people us it.


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