On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Vitaly Magerya <vmage...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Julien Laffaye <jlaff...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> I am not trying to state what it should or should not do.
>> I am trying to guess why it is doing things like it does.
> I apologize for being patronizing then.
> Is any committer here willing to remove sqlite3's dependency on
> pkg-config, or should I file a PR? (A grep through the sources reveals
> that sqlite3 does not use pkg-config for it's own build, so it should
> be safe to completely drop the dependency).

The port builds fine with the USE_GNOME=pkgconfig line commented out,
also I tested building a dependent port devel/subversion and it built
I'm wondering if the dependency is removed then will all ports that
link to sqlite3 pull in pkg-config if it's not installed?
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