On 2016-02-26 14:45, Carmel wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 14:26:56 +0100, Guido Falsi stated:
>> On 02/26/16 14:16, Mark Martinec wrote:
>>> In ports we have:
>>>   mail/postfix-current 2.11.7
>>>   mail/postfix 2.8.0  
>> Your information is outdated:
>>> grep PORTVERSION /usr/ports/mail/postfix/Makefile  
>> PORTVERSION=    2.11.7
>> (you can also check http://www.freshports.org/mail/postfix/ )
>> Are you upgrading your ports tree regularly?
> Postfix 3.1 stable release
> Postfix 3.2 experimental release
> Port:   postfix-2.11.7_1,1
> Path:   /usr/ports/mail/postfix
> Info:   Secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
> Port:   postfix-current-3.0.20151003_1,4
> Path:   /usr/ports/mail/postfix-current
> Info:   Secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
=> since yesterday evening it is 3.0-20160204 but if you look at the DISTNAME 
you will see it is 3.0.4

> Obviously, the ports are not in sync with the current Stable and
> Experimental branches of Postfix.

No they are not and I plan the following to let users some time for the 
transition to 3.1.

- mail/postfix (2.11.7) -> mail/postfix211
- mail/postfix-current (3.0.4) -> mail/postfix
- postfix-current will be updated to 3.1.0 (released this week)

In some weeks 3.1.x will become the default postfix, and 3.0.x will be removed 
from the tree, postfix211 will stay as the last postfix 2.x releases and 
current will become again current.
There are some users using VDA patches, only available for postfix 2.8 but it 
also works on 2.11, there is no support from the VDA project for 3.x and it 
seems the VDA project is no longer alive.

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