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Hi Torfinn,

On 03/25/2016 10:20 AM, Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Janky Jay, III <jan...@unfs.us>
> wrote:
>> While your solution is not incorrect, your assumption on the 
>> proposed/given solution from the port is. The '-G' switch appends
>> the given group to your users already given groups. So, if a user
>> belongs to groups admin,wheel,test and you run the suggested "pw"
>> command from the port, your user will now be in groups
>> admin,wheel,test,dialer. It's the '-g' (lower-case) switch you
>> want to avoid...
> If you read the man page, I think you will find that it is your 
> assumption about what the '-G' switch does which is incorrect. 
> Quote: "-G grouplist" "Set additional group memberships for an
> account.  grouplist is a comma, space or tab-separated list of
> group names or group numbers.  The user's name is added to the
> group lists in /etc/group, and removed from any groups not
> specified in grouplist."
> Please note the part which says "and removed from any groups not 
> specified in grouplist"

        Ah yes! You are correct! For some reason I was mixing my "pw usermod"
and Linux "usermod" (where you use the -aG to append). My fault
entirely. Continue with your correct request for the update of the
false information. *fades into background*

Janky Jay, III
Version: GnuPG v2

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