On Sun, 27 Mar 2016, Warren Block wrote:

> Here is how I propose to rewrite that:
>     -G grouplist  Set secondary group memberships for an account.
>                   grouplist is a comma, space, or tab-separated list of
>                   group names or group numbers.  /etc/group is modified
>                   to include the user's name in the groups specified in
>                   grouplist.  The user's name is removed from all
>                   groups not specified. Group membership changes do not
>                   take effect for current user login sessions,
>                   requiring the user to reconnect to be affected by the
>                   changes.  Note: do not add a user to their primary
>                   group with grouplist.

> Modified version committed in
> https://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/usr.sbin/pw/pw.8?r1=297330&r2=297329&pathrev=297330

I've been following this thread, have this question:

How does one add a user to additional groups without removing the user from 
groups the user is already in?

I just looked at the new manpage from a fresh svn update of src tree.


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