Am 10.12.17 um 18:47 schrieb Matthieu Volat:
> They do... but only if you commit and push something (even if it's only
> a personnal clone). If you just keep the changes on your computer, there's
> nothing.
The GitHub master version has changes, that are not yet in any release.

This is irrelevant as long as FLAVOR support is missing in portmaster,
since there is no version that fully supports flavors, right now.

> As much as I am defiant of github on certain aspects, I've found in quite
> some occasion the discussion/comment system around pull requests quite nice.

I'm working in FLAVOR support and I have a version that correctly builds
the Python ports, that have been converted.

But I'm currently trying to understand, where the information that the
ports is to be re-installed, gets lost. Debugging shell scripts is a lot
of work, since you cannot single step through them. Portmaster does call
itself recursively, which further complicates understanding and tracing
the execution. (Besides, portmaster is a main program of 4300+ lines with
functions sprinkled throughout the code. I have a local version, which
breaks this large main program in named subroutines, which makes it much
easier to understand the logic flow, but hides the actual changes when
creating diffs. I have backported the FLAVOR changes to a portmaster
version without those subroutines, to get the minimal functional patch,
but now I'm fighting with the install vs. upgrade distinction being lost.)

I can send you the current version in private mail (I do not want to spam
the mail-list with a 120k+ shell script).

Regards, STefan
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