Hello FreeBSD Ports,

The Committer's Guide section on Commit Log Messages [0], doesn't cover
the use of the "Sponsored by" key word. As a non-committer contributor,
it only recently occurred to me to wonder what work that credit is
intended to represent, and whether some light definition would be
helpful to reduce ambiguity.

When a committer credits a sponsor of theirs, from which the contributor
received no sponsorship, the portrayal feels a little awkward. Does this
strike the list as a problem, and if so, how ought it be solved?

To make this concrete, allow me to illustrate the situation.

Alice, working on her own time, prepares and contributes a patch. Bob,
who works for Acme Corp, reviews and commits the patch on company time.
The commit message includes "Sponsored by: Acme Corp". Alice eagerly
awaits her check from Acme Corp. Should the commit message have read
"Sponsored by: Acme Corp (Bob)"?

This could be extensible to multiple sponsorships. If, instead, Alice
prepares the patch having received a grant to do so from Best Sys Dev,
the commit message could state "Sponsored by: Acme Corp (Bob), Best Sys
Dev (Alice)".


PS: I realize that this issue transcends ports, but it's not clear where
I should send this instead, and this list seems like it would have a
reasonably high concentration of people with a stake in the discussion.

John W. O'Brien
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