Dear Stefan, Dear Mathieu,

Am 10.09.18 um 14:10 schrieb Stefan Esser:
> This is a design decision in portmaster that has existed for at least
> a decade.
> Use INSTALL_DEPENDS if you depend on a port being available and upgraded
> before your port's do-install is invoked.
> Changing the current portmaster version in ports is no option, since it
> does not offer to recursively upgrade or install any other port while
> working on some port and it cannot easily be made to support such a
> sequence of actions.

thanks a lot for your explanation, so it seems to be a problem with
But as I do not want to block all users from using gitlab-ce that are
using portmaster I think it is ok to define all RUN_DEPENDS also as

I think this approach is already used by many ports...


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