On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 07:41:49PM +0100, Christoph Moench-Tegeder wrote:
> ## bob prohaska (f...@www.zefox.net):
> > How much memory should be required for  
> > make -DBATCH
> > in www/chromium?
> Quite a lot, multiple GBs.
> I'm not even sure if your SD card will survive that :)
That's ok, I'm trying to discover what is and isn't practical on a Pi3

> > If this is expected, is there a way to reduce the number of
> > threads started by make?
> See bsd.ports.mk: DISABLE_MAKE_JOBS (as in "make -DDISABLE_MAKE_JOBS").
Thank you, I think that's the information needed. Come to think of it, 
will the -j option, such as -j2, work in this situation also? Two threads
are much better than one 8-)

As it happens, the machine isn't stuck. Make still seems to be running, 
now it's up to [18466/30819], admittedly not making fast progress.  

I'll let it run for now, just to see what happens.

Thanks for your help,

bob prohaska

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