On 03.11.2019 21:03, @lbutlr wrote:

>>> On 02 Nov 2019, at 19:35, Eugene Grosbein <eu...@grosbein.net> wrote:
>>>> I prefer third option. Sometimes it is handy to "pkg lock" packages you 
>>>> installed from ports buiklt with non-default options, too.
>>> If I could tell which pkg install is going to install MySQL and libX stuff 
>>> I would lock those, but I Dion’t see anyway to check that.
>> You need to lock MariaDB.
> MariaDB *is* locked. Both client and server. Pkg update was still going to 
> install MySQL.

pkg has no choice, as official package repo contains packages built with MySQL 
dependency only.

>>> And it does seem odd that pkg is still assuming MySQL and desktop FreeBSD.
>>> I know of many 120 FreeBSD servers and not one has a GUI desktop.
>>> I mean, I am sure they exist, but they must be a pretty tiny sliver.
>> First, it is NOT pkg assuming anything. Package repository has packages 
>> built from ports with their *default* options
>> and pkg merely uses them.
> Fine. Ports assuming MySQL.

Yes. You still may change defaults and rebuild those ports yourself.
Same with X11 support.

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