On 2021-02-24 00:56, @lbutlr wrote:
On 23 Feb 2021, at 16:31, Chris <portmas...@bsdforge.com> wrote:
It was from a 12-STABLE usb stick (probably 12.1). Is there no way forward, save
building up to 12.2?

It sounds like the version you want is -RELEASE, not -STABLE.

Think of -STABLE as "We are still working on this, but we THINK it's stable" as
opposed to RELEASE "this is ready for general release."
Yes. Seems my understanding became inverted somewhere along the line.
I was _really_ looking to install RELEASE.

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply! :-)


Matthius included the steps needed to get to the current supported version.
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