* Guido Falsi via freebsd-ports <freebsd-ports@freebsd.org> [20210403 00:35]:
> On 02/04/21 23:16, The Doctor via freebsd-ports wrote:
> > but I use pkg/portsnap .
> > 
> > How does that affect us?
> AFAIK you can't use it anymore. Use gitup. It's almost a drop-in
> replacement.

There was an announcement to deprecate it, but it's still built with
releng/13 so far, and I'd be surprised if the snapshots for it wouldn't
be available any more. Deprecation of portsnap AFAIK isn't directly
related to moving to git. (someone correct me please if I'm wrong)

Still, in the long run, expect it to vanish.

 Dipl.-Inform. Felix Palmen  <fe...@palmen-it.de>   ,.//..........
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