Marcus von Appen wrote on 23.01.2013 20:50:

On, Wed Jan 23, 2013, Ruslan Makhmatkhanov wrote:


I'm planning to apply this patch to Mk/ soon. It's an
nivit's solution from devel/py-virtualenv for changes, introduced in PEP
3147 [1]. It will not affect default packages build, because packages
are not yet building for python3 on cluster, but it will affect python
ports, built with python3, that already has fix like that applied
locally. I tested it with dozen of ports and everything seems fine.
Local fixes will be removed right after this change. Please tell me if
there is any objections or suggestions on this. Thanks.


I still do not get what the patch should exactly do and I am too lazy to
refresh my awk skills and try it out myself. If that patch is just about
the [INSERT cpython-correct-XX].pyc stuff, there is no need for it in my
Can you please provide details on what the patch does?


Yes, it does just that by adding __pycache__ directories with compiled and optimized bytecode into pkg-plist. This allows us to make packages for python 3.2+ successfully.

I can't explain more than that, because I treat that as some magic sequence for fixing py3 packages and that already applied locally in many ports, so it's time to just stop duplicating this pattern over the tree.

Why do you think this isn't needed? Do you prefer patching the python internals to get the 2.x behavior or what?


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