> I just setup a 4.6.2 machine locally on my network at home to replace an
> aging Linux NAT box I had going. Clients behind the new box can only get
> 100k/sec downloads while clients behind the old Linux box (running
> ipchains) get 400k/sec+ downloads off the same cable modem. Locally on
> the new FreeBSD box I can get 400k/sec downloads with lynx, it just
> seems as if the NAT is not framing packets right. Also, I have tried
> downloads from other freeBSD machines, Linux machines and windows2000
> machines from inside the network. All max out at around 100k/sec on a
> download through the NAT box. Again, if I download on the box it self I
> can see 400k/sec.

I'm not sure what the problem is with your natd setup, it looks fine to
me.... however have you tried ipfilter? I use that on my own home net, and
I get the same throughput from behind the nat/firewall as I do from the
nat machine itself.


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