On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 01:52:06PM -0400, kalin mintchev wrote:
> > Does your httpd installation serve up any scripted content i.e. using
> > perl, PHP, etc.  I have seen apache spin out of control due to poorly,
> > or incorrectly written scripts.
> ok. yes. the machine has been running fine for months. how would i know
> which is the offending script?!?  it serves a lot of websites that use
> different scripts - perl,php,etc...

Well, in addition to the advice of another poster about adding times to
the httpd access log, you should also be setting some limits on how
scripts run on the system, especially if it's a shared hosting server to
which various users upload scripts of their own making.  I'm not sure
about perl, but for PHP there are several parameters in the php.ini file
that limit various aspects of how PHP executes.  Specifically check
the section titled ``Resource Limits''.

Good luck,


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