
>> Additional question : In my ports tree, I can find :
>> > Port:   spamcup-1.09
>> Is this one the correct one to install ?
> I would recommend against using that as it is a tool to automatically
> report spam without verification.  From the script:
> #  *** W A R N I N G ! ***
> #
> #  The script does NOT know where the spam report will be sent so
> Just go to Spamcop, register for the free version, and follow the
> instructions. k

Thanks :)
Now I have registered and I reported my first SPAM. The SpamCop's system
seems to be reliable.
But I receive large amount of SPAM each day (100+) ; is there a solution (a
script, or something like that) to make the spam reporting's actions
automatic ?

See you,

Léo Lapousterle
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