On Sat, 2005-06-11 at 18:12, Leo Lapousterle wrote:
> Alec,
> >> Additional question : In my ports tree, I can find :
> >> > Port:   spamcup-1.09
> >> Is this one the correct one to install ?
> > 
> > I would recommend against using that as it is a tool to automatically
> > report spam without verification.  From the script:
> > #  *** W A R N I N G ! ***
> > #
> > #  The script does NOT know where the spam report will be sent so
> > Just go to Spamcop, register for the free version, and follow the
> > instructions. k
> Thanks :)
> Now I have registered and I reported my first SPAM. The SpamCop's system
> seems to be reliable.
> But I receive large amount of SPAM each day (100+) ; is there a solution (a
> script, or something like that) to make the spam reporting's actions
> automatic ?
> See you,

To report though Spamcop you have to review every report before it is
sent. Although you can automate the sending, for example there is an add
on for squirrel mail that will forward spam, you still have to review
the reports.

If you have a large number of spam mails, I suggest that you use the
Spamcop rbl and only report the ones that leak through.


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